How to purify and energize your water with a quartz crystal singing bowl

Today, we will talk about, the effect of water purification and water recharging?

When you place water in or around a crystal singing bowl, the harmonic resonance of the singing bowl purifies and recharges the water. The exciting thing is that water recharging can be used in many spiritual healing practices in addition to meditation, reiki, yoga and sound baths.

Did you know that the earth and humanity are made up of 70% water? This may be why charged water is associated with healing powers in New Age philosophy.

Throughout the history of the world, water has been used for purification. In different religions and cultures, priests, shamans, healers and mystics have used water for purification, and they believe that water is life, whether you mean science or metaphysics.

So, what if you infuse it with healing vibrations? Would it work? Why would it work? Where does it come from?

The benefits and effects of energized water in singing bowls

When you study spirituality, charged water is believed to be energizing, rejuvenating, and revitalizing. It's also great on the physical side!

My favorite part is that when you play the singing bowl filled with water, the drops start dancing. It was amazing. So the first benefit of filling a singing bowl with water is that it guides your brain into a meditative state. This happens as you watch the water begin to dance in your singing bowl.

In addition, it creates a "concentration effect" in your brain, allowing you to relax the same, when you keep playing the sound bowl long after the water drops start dancing, it causes fogging and looks even more magical. But when you do this on your own, it's almost as if the water takes on a life of its own.

For drinking, you can place a glass of water next to the Singing Bowl and charge it without any metals or toxins leaching out. Purify and fully charge it so you can drink it.

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AMAZING SOUND, a premium sound healing brand, espouses meditation and sound baths.

We have a unique collection of over 100 crystal singing instruments and are currently the largest supplier of quartz handcrafted products stateside.

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