Quartz Crystal Didgeridoo Origin and Therapeutic Effects

The quartz crystal didgeridoo is a wind instrument, one of the oldest in the world, and is a simple instrument, essentially a hollow quartz crystal tube that is played by vibrating the lips and breathing in harmony with the sound. The wooden didgeridoo originated 1000 years ago in the Aboriginal tribes of Australia, and was used in ceremonies where, according to local custom, by playing the instrument, the living were able to converse with the spirits of the dead, and it was also used as a tool for communicating with nature.

How to use crystal tuning forks for acupressure vibration therapy

Facial and acupressure vibrational massage using crystal tuning forks is a very gentle and effective way to stimulate acupressure points on the face and body using a variety of tuning fork frequencies. The vibrations adjust the body's natural cycles or circadian rhythms and stimulate the cells in the body to vibrate in harmony, allowing the free flow of life energy and restoring the body to its natural state of equilibrium.

Chakras Crystal Singing Bowl Note Harmony Multiple Combinations

Using the 7-note scale of the Chakra Crystal Singing Bowl from Madam Ai's Chakra Crystal, tuned at 432 Hz or 440 Hz, and using C, D, E, F, G, A, and B notes, there are many ways to combine harmonies. Playing the Bowl Chakra Crystal Singing Bowls in the order we suggest will allow you to create harmonic combinations that will help you enhance the effect of your sound bath. Self-exploration is also encouraged to try to create your own unique sound and healing vibe.

Special features of 432hz and 440hz

In the long evolution 432 Hz has had the widest audience. It is believed that 432hz is the correct standard pitch. These people generally believe that 432hz follows the frequencies of the earth, nature and the human body more closely. When the standard pitch is tuned to 432hz, there are more frequencies in the natural scale that overlap with the frequencies of the chakras, as well as more frequencies that show a standard multiplicative relationship with the number 8. It has also been pointed out that the spectrum of the 432hz scale conforms to the golden ratio, and that it exhibits the beauty of a living harmony.

What is Meditation and the Benefits of Meditation

The concept of meditation is found in ancient cultural traditions, the most widespread being the meditation tradition and the yoga tradition, which are the roots of modern meditation techniques, if one achieves a state of consciousness beyond the usual through positive thinking, visualization, pranayama, mantra, affirmations, and so on. A simple description is to shift your attention from a wandering and scattered state to a focused state where you will experience many unnoticed things and feelings, and in this state you can try to release all unnecessary emotions, thoughts, and habits, and the breath will be amplified countless times in the process, and if you master some breathing techniques, you can also unify the body with the consciousness to achieve clarity and calmness in the Inner state.

What is sound therapy and can specific sound frequencies kill cancer cells?

In modern times we use the term “sound therapy” to describe the use of sound as a healing technique. The idea is that vibration is a fundamental property of the universe and that it is present in everything. This includes life itself, and when our “life vibration” is out of balance, we feel mental, physical and emotional discomfort. Sometimes this disharmony is caused by injury or stress and manifests itself through a number of physical and mental ailments, including insomnia, allergies and even physical pain. The use of sound baths to combat this feeling of imbalance is an effective healing method thought to align the state of harmony.

Preparation for meditation and time for meditation

If you have no experience in meditation, you can choose an environment where you will not be disturbed, or you can go out into nature, some places with high energy, such as mountains, forests, water streams, and next to large trees, are very good choices. When meditating, you can sit in a natural upright position with your legs crossed. If you do not have a long time to meditate experience, then the meditation time is not more than 15 minutes, no long time to meditate experience may be on your spine damage. You can also meditate lying flat on the floor or on a bed, which is more suitable for inexperienced people.

Important role of meditation for adolescents?

According to the World Health Organization, about 10-20% of adolescents worldwide have mental health problems. Such as depression, anxiety, behavioral disorders or self-harm, and this percentage has been on the rise in recent years. Therefore, to find effective ways to promote youth mental health problems , has become the consensus of the community. Therefore, Positive Thinking Meditation has received much attention as an effective way of psychological adjustment to cultivate inner awareness and concentration.

Ancient Music Therapy - Modern Music Therapy

In ancient China, there were famous doctors who used music instead of needles, stones and ointments to cure diseases. More than 2,000 years ago, the classic Chinese medical work Huang Di Nei Jing (The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine) put forward the theory of “five tones to cure diseases”. It is believed that different music (Gong, Shang, Horn, Zheng, Feather) corresponds to the five human organs (liver, heart, spleen, lungs and kidneys), and that music influences people's moods to improve the function of the corresponding internal organs. Ancient Chinese music therapy utilizes the rhythms, melodies and tones of music to harmonize the balance of yin and yang in the human body through the selection of specific musical repertoire, thus achieving the effect of treating diseases and promoting health. The book “Zuo Zhuan” also appeared that music has a flavor like medicine, and often listening to the wonderful sound can make people free from all diseases and prolong life.

Tips for Using Crystal Singing Bowls in a Sound Bath

When you are finished playing with your crystal singing bowls, it is important that you pack up your crystal singing bowls without any distractions. These crystal bowls they are very beautiful, but they are also very fragile. You have to be gentle with them because there can be a lot of carelessness and a heartbreaking experience that can happen where the crystal bowls can break right in front of your eyes. And Che Ai Crystal Singing Bowls are one of a kind no matter their beautiful colors or unique sound. You won't find another one exactly like them!

Sound Therapy - The Power of Harmonic Vibration

With the technological advances in our world, the pace of life has become faster and more stressful. Stress and anxiety are becoming more prevalent in modern society and it is vital to be able to find effective ways to promote relaxation, balance and overall well-being in this type of living environment. Sound therapy is a way of utilizing the soothing and harmonic vibrations of sound to achieve stress relief and promote overall healing.

A few of the most effective ways to meditate

Meditation does not always remain silent. How you meditate depends greatly on the type of meditation that works best for the individual. Some people need to be guided by the sound bath of a crystal singing bowl in order to enter a meditative state, while others can even chant with the help of their own vocal chords. Meditation can even involve exercise, and yoga is one such practice. A yogi may enter a meditative state, but may also make some breath work sounds throughout.

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AMAZING SOUND, a premium sound healing brand, espouses meditation and sound baths.

We have a unique collection of over 100 crystal singing instruments and are currently the largest supplier of quartz handcrafted products stateside.

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