Chakras Crystal Singing Bowl Note Harmony Multiple Combinations

Using the 7-note scale of the Chakra Crystal Singing Bowl tuned at 432 Hz or 440 Hz and using C, D, E, F, G, A, B notes, there are many ways to combine harmonies. Playing the bowls Chakra Crystal Singing Bowls in the order we suggest will allow you to combine harmonic scales and help you enhance your sound bath.

Chakra Crystal Singing Bowls in perfect fifths (2-note harmonies): have been experienced and combined by many listeners to produce delightful harmonies. They are used to enhance chord tones, and the perfect combination of 2 notes of the pentatonic scale creates a sense of resolution and completeness.
C5: CG (root and pure fifths)
D5: DA (root and pure fifth)
E5: EB (root and pure fifth)
F5: FC (root note and pure fifth)
G5: GD (root and pure fifths)
A5: AE (root and pure fifths)
B5: BF (note that there is a diminished fifth above the B note, so we use F below)

Chakra Crystal Singing Bowls Major Triad (3-note harmony): Major Triad It has a bright, happy sound that is often associated with positive emotions and is perfect for sound healing. One of the most delightful harmonies.
C major triad: C E G
F major triad : F A C
G major triad: G B D

Chakra Crystal Singing Bowl Minor Triad (3-note harmony) : The sound of the minor chord is more somber and melancholic than that of the major triad, and it has been recognized as a delightful consonant harmony.
D minor triad: D F A
E minor triad : E G B
A minor triad : A C E

Chakra Crystal Singing Bowl major 7th chord (4-note harmony): The major 7th chord has a rich and complex sound that can be very pleasing to the listener.
C major 7th chord (Cmaj7) : C E G B
F major 7th chord (FMaj7) : F A C E
G major 7th chord (GMaj7): G B D F#.

Chakra Crystal Singing Bowls 7th chords (4 note harmony): 7th chord vocal harmonies can create tension and anticipation, but can also be very pleasing to the ear if used correctly.
G7: G B D F
D7: D F# A C
A7: A C# E G
E7: E G# B D

4 - Tone Harmony (chords):
C Major seventh chords C (root), E (major third), G (perfect fifth), B (major seventh)
D minor seventh D (root), F (minor third), A (perfect fifth), C (minor seventh)
E Minor seventh E (root note), G (minor third), B (perfect fifth), D (minor seventh)
F Major seventh F (root), A (major third), C (perfect fifth), E (major seventh)
G Genitive seventh chord G (root), B (major third), D (perfect fifth), F (minor seventh)
A Minor seventh A (root), C (minor third), E (perfect fifth), G (minor seventh)
B Half diminished seventh B (root note), D (minor third), F (diminished fifth), A (minor seventh)

5 - Tone Harmony (scales):
C Major pentatonic C, D, E, G, A
D Minor pentatonic D, F, G, A, C
E Minor pentatonic E, G, A, B, D
F Major pentatonic F, G, A, C, D
G Major pentatonic G, A, B, D, E
A Minor pentatonic A, C, D, E, G

6 - Tone Harmony (Scales):
C Major scale C, D, E, F, G, A, B
D Dorian mode D, E, F, G, A, B, C
E Phrygian mode E, F, G, A, B, C, D
F Lydian mode F, G, A, B, C, D, E
G Micridian mode G, A, B, C, D, E, F
A Aeolian (natural minor): A, B, C, D, E, F, G

7 - tone harmony (scales)
C Major scale C D E F G A B C
D Dorian mode D E F G A B C D
E Phrygian Scale E F G A B C D E
F Lydian mode F G A B C D E F
G Micridian modulation G A B C D E F G
A minor (Aeolian) scale A B C D E F G A

B Locrian modulation B C D E F G A B
Self-exploration is encouraged when playing the Chakra Crystal Singing Bowls, trying to create your own unique sound and healing vibe. However, it is recommended to start and end on the same notes. If you are a beginner it is best to mimic and learn specific scales played by a sound healer to start with. These are some of the most common harmonies, but there are many other possibilities after experimenting with combinations.

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