How to make crystal singing bowls sing

I once attended a yoga studio class that was a go-anywhere studio where I could breathe and sweat with so many strangers that our mats were only a thumb's width apart. Each time we all ended each day's class by rubbing together a frosted crystal singing bowl that was big enough for 50 people to eat salad. As it sang, I sometimes saw the colors swirl and fade, a virtual tie-dye behind my eyelids.

This bowl takes me back. Afterwards, my busy brain feels cleansed, like I'm using a kind of mind floss. We were supposed to close our eyes until the end, but as our teacher scooped his wand around his lips, stirring up a loud buzz, I peeked in and wondered how it worked.

I discovered that the singing bowl is the ancestor of the bronze standing bell, or inverted bell, which is struck with a wooden mallet to strike a note. Standing bells originated in China during the Shang Dynasty (16th-11th centuries B.C.) and are still used to accompany meditation. Early ones looked like a metal goblet. These were cast from molten metal and then struck by hand into a certain shape and size. Tibetan singing bowls, also made of metal, first appeared around 560-480 BCE.

In contrast, frosted crystal bowls are a modern phenomenon, made of crushed quartz and heated to 4,000 degrees in a centrifuge. Clear quartz singing bowls are glass blown with pressurized air in a high temperature mold. When stones are added to the quartz, the clear bowls take on a variety of colors.

Anyone can learn to play crystal singing bowls. They are simple and easy instruments to learn to play and the concept of playing them is easy to learn. The key is learning to play the bowls well. Having a mentor can influence your playing ability.

The Crystal Singing Bowl is the result of a sliding mechanism with a percussion stick, the same principle used to play the Water Tune Music Bowl. The speed and force with which the percussion stick slides around the edge determines the volume of successive notes. Larger bowls carry more reverberation, making the notes haunting and suitable for all listening and meditation. The bowl usually emits one of seven notes (C, D, E, F, G, A or B), which correspond to the seven chakras in sound therapy.

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