Preparation for meditation and time for meditation

If you have no experience in meditation, you can choose an environment where you will not be disturbed, or you can go out into nature, some places with high energy, such as mountains, forests, water streams, and next to large trees, are very good choices. When meditating, you can sit in a natural upright position with your legs crossed. If you do not have a long time to meditate experience, then the meditation time is not more than 15 minutes, no long time to meditate experience may be on your spine damage. You can also meditate lying flat on the floor or on a bed, which is more suitable for inexperienced people.

If the meditation time is too short, it is difficult for you to experience a deep state, after many people's feedback that 15 minutes or more is the best choice, if you are an inexperienced beginner, you can start from 5 minutes, and gradually increase the cumulative increase, but if through the guidance of the case, 15 minutes or more meditation is not difficult.

As you enter into meditation, you may experience a variety of wonderful sensations, such as electricity, tremors, warmth, airflow, etc. These are manifestations of energy. These are all manifestations of energy they are flowing through the body, or you may not feel anything at all, which are the most common scenarios. If you can feel the energy flowing in your body, it means that there is no obstruction in your body and the flow of energy will be very smooth, if you don't feel anything, it means that you have not entered the state. If you do not feel anything, you are not in the state. If you have not entered the state after several attempts, you can try to meditate in a guided way.

Upon entering the meditative state you may see various images, some of which are naturally formed by following your consciousness, some of which are created through guided visualization, which are manifestations of consciousness of perceived energy, or you may see images that frighten or confuse you. If the images appear to deviate from the guided direction of the meditation, you may choose to exit the meditative state without following the images in your mind. Allow yourself to rest and relax for a while and then re-enter the meditation. Do not limit yourself with any patterns or rules until the images are redirected back in the right direction.

When the meditation is over do not rush to open your eyes, first slowly pull yourself back to consciousness, wait until you regain consciousness, move your body, and then record your feelings during the meditation, you may find that each meditation experience and feeling is different. When meditation becomes a habit you will become more comfortable, you can look back on each meditation and see the trajectory of your growth.  

Meditation is suitable for all people who want to relax, not limited to age and background, but people with schizophrenia and personality disorders should not be exposed to meditation, meditation is not a substitute for medical treatment, if you have a disease, please seek medical attention, meditation can not instantly transform the pain, but if you want to release the stress and worry, reduce and relieve pain, you can try to use the set of Amazing Sound crystal singing bowls and other musical instruments to target the body chakras for directional guidance! Meditation balances the flow of energy in the body.

In the process of meditation, such as body pain, heart palpitations, dizziness, etc., if you feel that you do not have too many physical problems, you can choose to continue to meditate, because this may be the body's chakra blockage caused by the energy flow can not flow through, negative energy is stimulated after the negative reaction, the body is difficult to adapt to the high frequency of the natural reaction. You need to try to guide and unblock the energy flow, so that after the body chakra is smooth and the energy is balanced, the discomfort in the body just slowly disappears. You will feel the marvelous sensation in your body.

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