The Magic of Music in Meditation

Music is the key to unlocking the depths of one's soul. When meditation is combined with music, those notes of melody may reach the depths of the soul through the eardrums. Music positively affects and transforms specific levels of the mind and body through specific frequencies or chords, among the most widely accepted in the modern spiritual field are the 432 Hertz standard tone, the spectrum of sacred scales, etc., in addition to binaural beats, brainwave music with the help of specific frequencies and techniques, and also sound baths produced by Amazing Sound crystal singing bowls and other musical instruments, which help to transform the consciousness and the mind.

 Different music frequencies correspond to different chakras, different organs, different astral bodies, including all the things in our eyes, the physiological system is like a symphony orchestra, each part has its own exclusive frequency, when a part of the body is out of balance, its frequency will become disharmonious, and will be completely disorganized because of an ear-piercing frequency, which is destructive to the entire body's inner system.

 The resonance sound waves produced by sound baths of specific musical frequencies can help organs that are out of harmony to return to a state of harmony, and this effect is not only on the physical level, but also penetrates into the subtle level, listening to the specific frequencies of the different chakras helps to develop the specific chakras, listening to the specific frequencies of the different energies helps to align one's own frequency with them, and at the same time improves sleep and relaxes the nerves, and is suitable for positive thinking. Frequencies help to raise consciousness, and so on and so forth.

 Frequency is not high or low, but pure, noisy and chaotic frequency will affect the individual's frequency state, such as the construction sound of the construction site and some ear-piercing noise, some heavy music both “harmony” and “dissonance” of the two sides, and they can often stimulate people to They are often capable of provoking internal harmonic changes. It is very difficult to achieve the coexistence of “functionality” and “musicality” in the case of music created with a specific frequency, because no matter how pure the frequency is, it is after all just a piece of sound with a specific pitch, and the only difference is whether or not it can be picked up by the brain and affected, and there is no difference whatsoever. The only difference is whether it can be received by the brain and affected, and there is no pleasantness and musicality to speak of. Therefore, monks will use the copper bowl to expand the frequency of the magnificent and melodious, and a lot of sound healing musical instruments also came into being.

The musicality and artistry of pure frequencies comes from our souls and emotions, and the personal style of the work of different creators is entirely determined by the inner level of each person's musical frequency and soul feelings. When different energies and messages are felt, they will be presented in the form of music, and the spiritual significance of this presentation is much greater than the technical significance, I always believe that technology is only a means to an end, but not the essence of musical healing, human beings are not ice-cold machines, and the resonance of emotions is more likely to make our inner dimensions and hearts get healed.

 Meditation music is the most functional and musical of all spiritual music creations, it is not like sleep music that needs to weaken all the musical ups and downs, nor is it like energy music that hits you with a full range of frequencies. Visualization meditation music, in particular, guides us into an immersive feeling, adding more sound effects and melodies, digging deeper into the emotions and spirituality that correspond to the theme; it should not just be a tool, but more of a soothing one. When your mind is confused, mentally tense, or physically and mentally exhausted, choosing the right music and listening to it for a short relaxing period of time can achieve some relief.

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AMAZING SOUND, a premium sound healing brand, espouses meditation and sound baths.

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