What is Meditation and the Benefits of Meditation

  The concept of meditation is found in ancient cultural traditions, the most widespread being the meditation tradition and the yoga tradition, which are the roots of modern meditation techniques, if one achieves a state of consciousness beyond the usual through positive thinking, visualization, pranayama, mantra, affirmations, and so on. A simple description is to shift your attention from a wandering and scattered state to a focused state where you will experience many unnoticed things and feelings, and in this state you can try to release all unnecessary emotions, thoughts, and habits, and the breath will be amplified countless times in the process, and if you master some breathing techniques, you can also unify the body with the consciousness to achieve clarity and calmness in the Inner state.

  Many modern people in busy cities are accustomed to meditation as part of their daily lives because of the many benefits they experience from it:

1. Relieve stress and anxiety: deep, long and slow breathing can effectively soothe the nerves, lower the heart rate, improve blood circulation, the body will enter a deep relaxation in this breathing rhythm, their own stress, tension, anxiety, fear will be relieved with the relaxation of the body.

 2. Mediate brain neuroendocrine: your emotions, feelings, hormones, biological cycles, etc., are controlled by the brain, when these secretion glands are damaged, you will experience a multi-level imbalance and their own immunity to disease seriously reduced, and meditation can improve the situation from the root, balancing all the secretion glands, creating a harmonious unity of body and mind.

3. Enhancement of open consciousness: We gain a clearer awareness through mediation of the body and the brain, and the consciousness is therefore free. When you are not troubled by the past and the future, when you see the essence of complicated things, and when you continue to break through the self to create a new model, you have gained the greatest freedom, and the freedom of consciousness is the beginning of the freedom of life.

4. Enhance inner quality: Meditation brings you the power of concentration, high concentration becomes no longer difficult, the past headache of work and study can be easily dealt with, focus without losing the sense of flexibility, you will maximize the use of their own creativity, and with a positive mindset and open-mindedness to meet all the challenges of life, in the study of a variety of challenges to cultivate their own unique inner qualities, which include self-confidence, elegance, gentleness, kindness, goodwill and a strong sense of responsibility. It includes self-confidence, elegance, gentleness, kindness, love and other characteristics. Let you show your unique personality charm.

5. Improve the state of sub-health: meditation can effectively enhance the immune system, help physiological mechanisms work better, thus improving mood, spirit, sleep and other issues, if coupled with daily 30-45 minutes of aerobic exercise and maintain a regular routine and diet, for the improvement of mental sub-health is more pronounced, to help emotional garbage and toxins are better discharged to enhance the quality of interpersonal relationships and emotional life.

6. Meditation also has a lot of unexpected benefits, and after the wide spread of modern meditation, there are also a lot of musical instruments used in conjunction with meditation, such as Amazing Sound crystal singing bowls, gongs, wind chimes, etc. This makes meditation fun. This makes meditation fun and diverse, and you can find your own way of meditation through various practices and exploration.

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